近期詐團 使用「WealthChange」名義行騙。 內政部警政署已收到 6 次民眾檢舉以「WealthChange」為名的網站, 最近 1 次落在 2025/02/14 那週,請務必小心!
以下是內政部警政署 165 的開放資料所公布,使用「WealthChange」名義的詐騙網站,以及收到回報的次數。
Name | 網域 | Reported |
Wealth Bank | wealth-era.com | 2 time(s) during 2023/10/11 and 2023/11/14 |
ETER WEALTH | eterwealthw.com | 4 time(s) during 2024/08/08 and 2024/08/28 |
Wealthera | www.wealthera.pro | 2 time(s) during 2024/05/01 and 2024/06/11 |
ETER WEALTC | eterwealthr.com | 6 time(s) during 2024/08/15 and 2024/09/18 |
WEALTH MARKET | www.wealthmarket-tw.com | 2 time(s) during 2024/04/24 and 2024/04/30 |
WEALTH MARKET | www.wealthmarket-top.com | 2 time(s) during 2024/06/05 and 2024/06/11 |
Wealthfrontintl | www.wealthfrontintl.com | 2 time(s) during 2023/03/22 and 2023/03/28 |
WEALTH MARKET | www.wealthmarket-group.com | 1 time(s) during 2024/05/29 and 2024/06/04 |
WEALTH MARKET | www.wealthmarket-index.com | 2 time(s) during 2024/05/08 and 2024/05/14 |
匯通金融(百匯通、Wealth Exchange、C Ventures) | bitoax.club | 9 time(s) during 2021/12/27 and 2022/01/02 |
ATFX | atfxwealthbtc.com | 2 time(s) during 2022/04/18 and 2022/04/24 |
WealthFlow | yinjihk.com | 1 time(s) during 2025/01/08 and 2025/01/14 |
WEGE | wealthy.wadgzh.com | 6 time(s) during 2022/06/13 and 2022/06/19 |
FtExchange | www.realftexchange.com | 2 time(s) during 2023/11/15 and 2023/11/21 |
Au多元兼職 | wealth-energy.com | 1 time(s) during 2024/11/19 and 2024/11/25 |
ATER WEALTC | eterwealtc.com | 8 time(s) during 2024/08/22 and 2024/10/28 |
Wealthfront | www.ckoilo.com | 12 time(s) during 2024/03/01 and 2024/08/21 |
Wealthfront | www.floioc.com | 2 time(s) during 2024/03/28 and 2024/04/02 |
Wealthfront | www.liosxs.com | 1 time(s) during 2024/02/16 and 2024/02/22 |
Wealthfront | www.lkooie.com | 2 time(s) during 2024/03/21 and 2024/03/27 |