近期詐團 使用「RDSKE」名義行騙。 內政部警政署已收到 9 次民眾檢舉以「RDSKE」為名的網站, 最近 1 次落在 2024/12/10 那週,請務必小心!


以下是內政部警政署 165 的開放資料所公布,使用「RDSKE」名義的詐騙網站,以及收到回報的次數。


豪成www.dskes.com2 time(s) during 2024/06/05 and 2024/06/11
轉轉shdsks.com4 time(s) during 2024/11/05 and 2024/12/17
瑞源www.dskler.com2 time(s) during 2024/08/15 and 2024/08/21
K&Rfhls.idskr.com2 time(s) during 2022/06/27 and 2022/07/03
紅福www.dskijgf.com1 time(s) during 2024/01/15 and 2024/01/21
新社投顧www.dskjgdi.xyz1 time(s) during 2024/04/24 and 2024/04/30
Overlordsappwww.overlordsapp.shop1 time(s) during 2024/06/26 and 2024/07/03
SKEP Exchangewww.skepcka.com4 time(s) during 2024/05/08 and 2024/05/21
SKEP Exchangewww.skepcko.com3 time(s) during 2024/05/01 and 2024/05/07
UBSwww.verdsu.com2 time(s) during 2024/11/05 and 2024/11/11
牧人www.ntyrdsr.com1 time(s) during 2025/01/15 and 2025/01/21
納德證券nardstock.com4 time(s) during 2022/11/01 and 2022/11/06
DESKdeskef.com3 time(s) during 2023/07/04 and 2023/07/10
智慧哨兵www.trdsew.com7 time(s) during 2024/09/05 and 2024/09/11
華盛國際www.hterds.com2 time(s) during 2024/08/08 and 2024/08/14
創鼎app.khskei.com1 time(s) during 2024/08/08 and 2024/08/14
寶座app.jskeec.com1 time(s) during 2024/06/12 and 2024/06/18
豐光www.sketoo.com8 time(s) during 2022/11/14 and 2022/11/27
FWRDfwrdstore.online1 time(s) during 2024/07/04 and 2024/07/10
PulseXbasker.cyou3 time(s) during 2024/02/05 and 2024/02/29