近期詐團 使用「DCVBN」名義行騙。 內政部警政署已收到 9 次民眾檢舉以「DCVBN」為名的網站, 最近 3 次落在 2024/05/28 那週,請務必小心!
以下是內政部警政署 165 的開放資料所公布,使用「DCVBN」名義的詐騙網站,以及收到回報的次數。
Name | 網域 | Reported |
DGVBN | www.dgvbn.xyz | 4 time(s) during 2024/05/22 and 2024/05/28 |
DQVBN | www.dqvbn.live | 3 time(s) during 2024/07/11 and 2024/08/07 |
新陳投資 | www.eivbn.com | 11 time(s) during 2025/01/15 and 2025/01/31 |
瑞泰 | app.cvbbri.com | 9 time(s) during 2024/02/23 and 2024/03/06 |
萬盛 | www.nrdcve.xyz | 2 time(s) during 2025/01/22 and 2025/01/31 |
鴻博 | www.vbnfrdyui.com | 6 time(s) during 2023/08/29 and 2023/09/05 |
CDC | www.cdcvnm.com | 2 time(s) during 2023/08/22 and 2023/08/28 |
瑞泰投資 | app.cvbbri.com | 13 time(s) during 2024/01/15 and 2024/02/22 |
雅士達購物 | cvbmm8569.top | 3 time(s) during 2022/12/26 and 2023/01/03 |
CDC | www.cdcvdsb.com | 5 time(s) during 2023/08/01 and 2023/09/05 |
研華 | www.dcvnmhjgk.com | 1 time(s) during 2024/06/05 and 2024/06/11 |
一正 | www.yiahvdycvb.com | 1 time(s) during 2023/12/05 and 2023/12/11 |
MG Pro | www.pdcvgmek.com | 5 time(s) during 2024/09/25 and 2024/09/30 |
永豐大戶投 | app.kcvbhnzmamn.com | 4 time(s) during 2023/05/01 and 2023/05/14 |
BitToro | www.bittorodcv.com | 1 time(s) during 2024/03/07 and 2024/03/13 |
Varkamsu | www.varkamsudcv.com | 2 time(s) during 2023/12/26 and 2024/02/22 |
Credit Suisse Trust | creditidcv.com | 1 time(s) during 2024/05/01 and 2024/05/07 |
Credit Suisse Trust | www.creditidcv.com | 7 time(s) during 2024/03/14 and 2024/03/20 |