www.bitfdc.com is a confirmed scam by 165. It has been reported 1 times.
Name | URL | Count | Start Date | End Date |
Bitget | www.bitfdc.com | 1 | 2024/11/12 | 2024/11/18 |
Similar entries on 165
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Bitget | www.bitfdb.com | 1 time(s) during 2024/12/11 and 2024/12/17 |
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BitFinex | www.bitfin.cc | 1 time(s) during 2024/05/08 and 2024/05/14 |
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Bitfarme | www.bitfarmes.com | 2 time(s) during 2022/11/21 and 2022/11/27 |
Bitfinabc | app.bitfinabc.com | 1 time(s) during 2024/12/11 and 2024/12/17 |
BitFinex | www.bitfinex77.com | 1 time(s) during 2024/08/22 and 2024/08/28 |
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bitFlerApp | w.bitflerapp.top | 1 time(s) during 2023/10/11 and 2023/10/17 |
Bitfinex | www.bitfinex-vp.com | 1 time(s) during 2023/08/08 and 2023/08/14 |
Bitfinex | www.bitssd.net | 3 time(s) during 2022/07/18 and 2022/07/24 |
Bitfinex | www.bitstre.com | 4 time(s) during 2023/03/08 and 2023/04/24 |
BitFinex | www.bitsnseh.com | 4 time(s) during 2023/05/22 and 2023/05/28 |
BitFinex | www.bitsther.com | 13 time(s) during 2023/03/22 and 2023/03/28 |
BitFinex | www.bitstret.com | 4 time(s) during 2023/04/11 and 2023/04/17 |
Bitfinex | www.bitsther.com | 7 time(s) during 2023/03/15 and 2023/03/21 |
Bit-C | www.bit-c.co | 35 time(s) during 2022/01/10 and 2022/03/13 |
Bitfinabc | bitfinac.com | 1 time(s) during 2024/09/12 and 2024/09/18 |
BitFlyer | m.bitflyer2.com | 2 time(s) during 2024/04/24 and 2024/05/21 |
Bitfinabc | bitfinabc.com | 3 time(s) during 2024/08/22 and 2024/09/11 |